Lest ye fly too High, Africa’s Son



They came to celebrate, under the night sky, the equatorial moon

The black star cautiously approved, the parade to praise Africa’s new mood

Our new son, free of the White Queen’s womb

Who spoke with a fire befitting the dawn of something new;

a nation of blacks.

Here he was, Africa’s first hope, an Icarus granted wings of wax and feather

Never warned by his father who was mysteriously absent,

that to fly a middle course, lest his wings be clipped by shifting weather

yet who heeds such warnings, proud of this godsend

free; a nation of blacks.

And like tragic Prometheus, who promised man the gift of fire

not in waves of flame but rather in the form of power,

the promise being that of light, energy in Africa which remained most dire

from Gold to Ghana, Africa’s first flower

alive, a nation of blacks.

Freedom not even yet born, under then night sky, the equatorial moon

gazed silently and cautiously approved, the Charade of Africa’s new mood

Our new sun, and builder of the White Queen’s tomb

who spoke with a fire, foreboding the dawn of something of new;

a nation of blacks.

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